Play Game On Facebook

Good news never stops from flowing. The Facebook App Center, which was announced this May, allows you to access applications on the social networking site. Thus, you do not need to open another tab to play games while waiting for your Facebook friends to upload photos or throw status comments.
For internet users who are addicted to game and entertainment applications, Facebook App Center is a real big deal. The App Center has been accepted warmly, unlike the hated Timeline. As of today, the social networking site has more than 900 million users across the globe that will benefit from the free and paid games built via the App Center.

  1. When you are playing a Facebook online game app, you can post a status stating you are playing a certain game app.  Sounds like advertising!
  2. Your friends learn about the game app you are using via the News Feed. They view the post and click on the provided URL if they get interested.
  3. You do not need to bookmark a Facebook app if you find the app worth noting. All the apps that you have opened appear in the upper right corner of the App Center webpage.
  4. You can invite your friends to play the online game that you are playing. They will receive a notification immediately.
  5. The Games Dashboard lists all your pending Facebook game requests. Thus, you won't miss any game invitation.
  6. While playing a Facebook game, you can see game suggestions, alongside with the "People You May Know" corner and advertisements.
  7. You can buy Facebook Credits to experience premium gaming experience.

Most probably, you visit Facebook to connect with your friends, meet new people, interact with users or whatever other activities may spark your interest. There are thousands of entertaining applications have been built and integrated to Facebook to delight users. You can search for these existing apps using the search bar. Among the most known entertainment apps on Facebook are Rotten Tomatoes by Flixters, Draw My Thing, Diamond Dash, Dailymotion and many more.
These entertainment applications make you build a fictitious happy kingdom (and be a Queen Elizabeth), play word games, capture and reproduce the moments of your life, shoot at colored bubbles, collect pebbles along the shore line and other enchanting activities that will definitely help you relax.
Another very special type of entertainment applications is poll games. Poll games are exactly like surveys on TV. One recently launched poll game application is PollPursuit. PollPursuit delivers daily polls that cover celebrity gossips, political issues, technology frenzies and sports buzz stories. Poll games let you express your thoughts regarding the latest the news.
Poll games are highly recommended since these encourage you to take a stand on relevant issues like same-sex marriage, immigration laws, Obama's foreign policies, British invasion, Lady Gaga concert in Indonesia, Alzheimer's disease treatment and other world news.
Online Facebook games won't just leave you on the first level of satisfaction. According to Facebook, the App Center will be receiving more features in the coming months. So, you just watch out!

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